Hot Stone Beds • SoJo Spa Club

Hot Stone Beds

Location: 5th Floor

Hot Stone Beds at SoJo Spa Club

Benefits of the Hot Stone Beds

  • Black Silica emits negative ions, which is a type of antioxidant present in nature that is reported to break down toxins in the bloodstream
  • Healthier skin tone, increased blood circulation and improved immune system
  • The negative ions amplifies the healing effect and reduces stress
  • Can promote healthier posture and body alignment


Estimated temperature range: 180-200 degrees

The hot stone beds are body-size mineral stones that are heated into the floor.


  • Dates back to centuries ago when Japanese villagers would observe snow monkeys relaxing on hot volcanic stones for hours at a time
  • Heated stone beds can still be found in many modern East Asian Homes

Disclaimer: The information provided on our website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before using any amenities if you are pregnant, in poor health, or under medical care. Do not use any amenity beyond your level of comfort.