Hinoki Bath • SoJo Spa Club

Hinoki Bath

Location: 4th Floor, in the Courtyard

Couple sits in the hinoki bath surrounded by lush greenery at SoJo Spa Club.

Benefits of the Hinoki Bath

  • Naturally lemon scented; used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Naturally repels bacteria, withstands humidity, and rot resistant


Estimated temperature range: 100-105 degress

The Hinoki Bath is a full sensory experience as the white cedar wood provides a smooth surface texture and the rich wood grains magnify in the warm water while exuding a soothing lemony fragrance – a unique natural scent known as “Hinoki Thiol’, a natural antibacterial oil that tranquilizes the body and mind.


  • The history of hinoki wood begins in Japan, as it was used in building temples, shrines, theaters, and baths.
  • Hinoki is known as the “holy tree”.
  • Hinoki cypress is native to southern and central Japan.
Heated carbon-rich bath at SoJo Spa Club, boulders for sitting, surrounded by lush greenery and flowers. Steps lead to pool entrance. Serene atmosphere.

What to Do Next

Love the Hinoki Bath? Located nearby is the Carbon-Rich Bath.

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